Parakeet Behavior

536 days ago via viatravelers    Discuss    all
The wide range of parakeet behavior characteristics will come as quite a surprise to someone who has never owned one of these birds. Parakeets do much more than fly, sit on perches, and say a few words (when trained to do so). In their everyday life, parakeets go through all sorts of routines, many of which can be downright comical to observe.There are approximately 120 species of parakeets in the world. A majority of them, at least as far as pet parakeets are concerned, come from Australia. The parakeet is a small parrot, usually very colorful as parrots often are. What makes parakeet behavior rather special is the fact that they are extremely social birds, towards each other and towards humans as well. A very young parakeet will normally take to handling by a human quite readily. A grown wild parakeet may not, or may take some time in becoming accustomed to a human. However, once a bond is established between human and bird, it is usually permanent.

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