Eisenhower Decision Matrix - Urgent vs. Important

511 days ago via MladenAC    Discuss    Business
Let's assume your boss asked you to submit a very important report by

the next board meeting, and you only have a couple of days left to put

everything together. Your workload

[https://activecollab.com/resources/workload-management]is already

high, so adding another thing to your to-do list can cause stress and

anxiety around the workspace.

Because of this, you can hardly concentrate, work on your daily tasks,

and accomplish measurable results. But how to beat stress and deliver

everything necessary on time? The Eisenhower decision matrix can give

you a hand by differentiating core activities from distractions.


The Eisenhower Matrix is a convenient tool that allows you to

distinguish urgent and not-so-urgent tasks. It categorizes assignments

based on urgency and importance by splitting them into four boxes:

urgent, not urgent, delegate, and delete.

This tool can also be referred to as Urgent-Important Matrix or

Eisenhower Box. President Dwight Eisenhower ...

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