Project Scope: Base for Successful Project Delivery

313 days ago via MladenAC    Discuss    Business
One of the main responsibilities of a project manager is to define the

project scope, and they lean on it throughout the project lifecycle.

Project scope helps project managers stay on the right track, keeps

them going, and ensures project success.

Everything starts with project scope, and no matter how many similar

projects you have behind you, don't ignore the basics.

In this blog post, we will explain the importance of project scope and

how it impacts the success of your project.


The scope of a project refers to the boundaries and limitations of a

project, and it defines what work needs to be accomplished and what is

excluded from the project.

The project scope is critical to project management, as it sets clear

expectations for the team and stakeholders involved.

A well-defined project scope helps to prevent misunderstandings,

miscommunications, and missed deadlines. It is essential to strike a

balance between defining a concise scope and allowing enough

flexibility ...

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