Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace: Facilitating Team Success

443 days ago via MladenAC    Discuss    Business
Diversity and inclusion, also known as D&I, are becoming popular in

the corporate world. Nowadays, many companies are trying to

incorporate D&I policies across all levels.

Diverse organizations can generate 2.3 times higher cash flow


per employee while team performance is improved by 30%

[https://www.gartner.com/en/documents/3979855]. Compared to less

diverse counterparts, companies with diverse teams will increase

revenue by 19%


Before we start looking at specific benefits of diversity and

inclusions, let’s see how this concept can contribute to your

business and try to explain its role in companies.


D&I workplace makes each team member, regardless of their position or

job, feel equally involved in and supported in all workplace areas. To

further define these two terms ...

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